奉獻 Offering

“捐得樂意的人是神所喜愛的” ~ 哥林多後書 9:7

For God loves a cheerful giver. ~ 2 Corinthians 9:7

* 支票奉獻請寄 Please mail your check to:

Tucson Chinese Christian Church,
307 E. Helen Street, Tucson, AZ 85705
(支票備註欄:payable to TCCC)

請註明您的姓名、住址、電話、電子郵箱,土桑華人基督教會 會把奉獻收據郵寄給您。
Please provide your name, address, contact phone number and email. We will send you the offering receipt.

* 網路奉獻 Online Offering:


Please click the above donation button,
or scan the following QR code.