

  • 時間: 2019年7月26(週五)傍晚至28日(週日)午後。
  • 地點:生物圈二號 Biosphere2 (32540 S. Biosphere Road, Oracle, AZ 85623)
  • 成人講員:華欣
    青少年講員 Youth Speaker: Larry Lee
    兒童講員 Children Speakers: Robin Blumenthal




  1. 金牛鑄禍 (出埃及記 32:1-35)
  2. 背影有情 (出埃及記 33:1-23)
  3. 石版開口 (出埃及記 34:1-28)
  4. 人臉放光 (出埃及記 34:29-35:3)
  5. 彩雲呼喚 (出埃及記 40:1-38) (主日)


青少年講員主題 Youth Topic: Taking Up Your Cross to Follow Jesus 

  1. Jesus is our Bread – John 6
  2. 2. Jesus is our Light – John 8
  3. 3. Jesus is our Gate – John 10
  4. Jesus is our Resurrection – John 11
  5. Jesus is our Way – John 14
  6. Jesus is our Vine – John 15

In order to know why we should take up our cross, we will look at who we are following and what Jesus said about Himself through His “I am” statements as we journey through the book of John together.


成人講員:華欣牧師來自中國北京,曾在依阿華大學(University of Iowa)計算機系讀書,取得博士學位。來美求學期間開始接觸基督教信仰,被神的愛感召,悔改歸主。先在教會和福音機構參與義工服事,後回應神的呼召辭去從事多年的電腦工作走上全職傳道人的道路,在芝加哥活水福音教會牧會。從2013年起,轉到[海外校園機構]任總幹事,在各地傳揚耶穌基督的福音。

青少年講員 Youth Speaker: Larry Lee. Larry accepted Christ while going to college in New York City where he grew up. After his father’s tragic death, he left school to pursue work. While serving in his church’s youth ministry, he got called by God to go into full-time ministry. He quit his job in medical publishing and went to Philadelphia College of Bible. While going to school, he met his love Lily as they served together in church. They married in New Jersey where Larry ministered as an English pastor for a couple of years. He was called to move to Phoenix to be GPC’s first youth pastor in 2001 until he transitioned to the English adult ministry in 2015. Lily and Larry have two teen boys, Nathanael and Isaiah.

兒童講員 Children Speaker: Robin Blumenthal. Robin is currently serving as the Education Domain Director of 4Tucson (a Christian city-transformation organization).  Prior to her move to 4Tucson in July of 2018, she served as the Children’s/Family Pastor at Pantano Christian Church for nearly 14 years, overseeing a Children’s Ministry of 450 children. She and her husband have 5 daughters (4 grown and a 15 year old).  She loves Jesus and has served the Lord in full time ministry for nearly 30 years.

註冊報名 (Registration)

  • 報名截止日期:7月14日 Registration Deadline: July 14, 2019
  • 報名費:成人/青少年 $30, 兒童 $15. Registration Fee: Adult/Youth $30, Child: $15
  • 費用: 憑感動自由奉獻。聚會成本大約$160/人,僅供參考。Freewill offering. Estimated cost will be $160/person.
  • 奉獻支票擡頭請寫TCCC,備註請寫2019年退修會。Make Offering check payable to TCCC and Memo: 2019 summer Retreat.

報名方式(To Register)

  1. 在教會門庭領取紙制報名表格,填寫後交給邱雯怡(Wendy)或陈倩倩(Bella)姐妹。如填寫紙制報名表請以家庭為單位,使用同一張報名表。
    Fill in the registration form in church and return it to sisters Wendy or Qianqian. Please use ONE registration form per family unit.
  2. 在線報名 Register online 。然後將報名費交給Bella 和 Wendy姐妹。