Welcome new students to Tucson! We have a special event for new students on Friday, August 23. Please come and join us!
- 关于学生团契:团契就是指在基督里彼此用爱和坦诚来交流的团体。土桑华人教会的学生团契主要由在UA和Pima的华人和华裔学生组成,我们在一起学习圣经,敬拜神,也一起聚餐,郊游,爬山,运动。在这里你可以认识耶稣基督,经历成长,一起见证上帝的爱。这里是你在图森的家。欢迎参加我们团契的各种活动!
Our Student Fellowship: The dictionary defines fellowship as “friendly association with others; companionship.” Christian fellowship occurs when two or more Christians are in one another’s company. Our student fellowship consists mainly of students from UofA and Pima Community College. It is a group of sharing and love. We study the Bible, worship God together. We also gather for foods, go hiking and do a lot of fun stuff together. Here you can know more about Jesus, grow together with friends and see the love of God among us. This is your home in Tucson. Come and join us! - 报名方式:请扫描上图中的二维码或者点击这里报名。
To register: please scan the QR code above or click here. - 联系邮箱 Email: [email protected]